Launching a fitness club app with Brewfit is easy and cost-effective
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We take care of everything - from branding your app with your club's colors and logo, to submitting it to the app store.
Congratulations! You’re joining the mobile fitness revolution with Brefit. You will start with a expert Brewfit Account Manager who will be at your side through launching your mobile app.
Launching an app with Brewfit

Phase 1: Prepare

Your account Manager will personalize your app with your club's brand and style.

Phase 2: Design

Our experienced app developers will take your feedback and design your app.

Phase 3: Review

Your account Manager will personalize your app with your club's brand and style.

Phase 4: Build

With the final design approved, we will finish building your app and submit to the app store for apple and android.

Phase 5: Learn

Our customer success team trains your staff on how to use , share and measure success for your new mobile app.

Phase 6: Launch

Once the app is approved by the app store, your app is live and ready to be downloaded and enjoyed by your members.

Phase 7: Succeed

Your Brewfit account manager will be right by your side as your app grows. We will help you review metrics , modify strategy, provide support and training and handle app maintenance and updates.

It’s almost too easy

Discover what Brew Fit can do for your business.

We look forward to meeting you!